Change your business details

To update or change company details, you must log on as a registered user of the website and your company must have a status of ‘Registered’. Choose your company to go to your company details.

  • Change company name

There is no restriction to company type in order to make a change. Fee applied to the change.

From the online service menu, choose your company, and then choose change company name on your company’s general details page.

  • Change articles of Incorporation

Companies able to amend its constitution/articles of incorporation at any time. You can apply for the change under 3 conditions: Public Limited, Private Limited or foreign companies. Fee applied.

  • Change registered office address details

All companies must have a registered office in Cambodia. You are allowed to change your registered office address and address for communication. There is no restriction to any company type. Fee Applied.

  • Change director details

Directors’ details can be change and directors can be appointed or ceased. Companies must lodge an application of any changes to the details of the directors of the company within 15 days of the date of change (the resolution date). There is no restriction to any company type. Fee Applied.

  • Shareholdings

One or more shareholder’s holdings can be increased and decreased. The change is available under these conditions: private limited or public limited companies, a status of ‘Registered’, initiated from the shares & shareholders tab. Fee Applied.

  • Share Capital

The company’s share par values (KHR and USD equivalent) can be updated. The effect of this business service will be to recalculate share capital, based on the new par value. The change is available under these conditions: private limited or public limited companies, a status of ‘Registered’, initiated from the general details tab. Fee Applied.

  • Transfer shares

The company can transfer from one or more existing shareholders to one or more transferees on the share register. Transferees may be new or existing shareholders. The change is available under these conditions: private limited or public limited companies, a status of ‘Registered’. Fee Applied.

  • Change business activities

The company can apply for changes to the business activities. Fee applied.


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